Date with Destiny

Wow, I haven’t written a blog in a few months, life has been life’n. Times have been a changing and I am rolling with the punches…okay where do I begin?? Well, November kicked my ass, it started out great with a quick trip to Barbados to meet a friend who is just as adventure seeking as me. We had a perfect vacation, no complaints, Barbados is lovely! And did you know they have freaking monkeys?! I didn’t, so when i found out I was always looking out for them. I was there for five days, I flew back into Toronto Pearson from Barbados and for the first time ever, I was pulled over and questioned at immigration. I wasn’t nervous because I had nothing on me (obviously), so I used the opportunity to be as charming and pleasant as possible. Personally, I think the security guard wanted to see me again.

I was home for a week and then off to New Jersey to attend Unleash the Power Within with Tony Robbins, live! I got a free ticket and I was told that at this live event you get to walk on fire, well not fire-fire but burning hot coals! YES, I WILL DO IT! Let’s GO! An entire stadium of people took their shoes off and left them by their chair along with their belongings. We collectively walked bare foot out of the stadium chanting ‘YES’ to the empty parking lot that they converted into 32 lines of fire paths. A crowd of us waited outside way past midnight yelling, chatting, and pumping ourselves up. We were instructed to walk up to the fire and stay ‘in state’ which is a way of saying being hyped. While we are in state we slowly walk across the fire, chin up and are instructed to say, ‘cold moss, cold moss’. Saying something like “cold moss” is helpful so you don’t freak out and start saying something like, omg omg omg. But because your girl responds better to humour, instead of saying cold moss, I said “Kate Moss, Kate Moss, Kate Moss” and I walked across those burning hot coals in my bare feet, like a super model. Once you get to the other side of the fire path there is a little patch of grass that you stand on to celebrate yourself as a fire team throw cold water on your feet. “Woot Woot!” I DID IT! From there the real pain occurred…we had to walk outside around an entire block in Newark New Jersey with bare feet that had just been drenched in cold water…not pleasant. We still had three more intense long days and short nights.

That Sunday I came back from Tony Robbin’s Unleash the Power Within in New Jersey with a cold…which people refer to as the Tony flu, all the phlegm purging from my body was symbolically my old limited beliefs. I had several tattoo cancelations because I was sick and other people were sick too. I was suppose to finish a sleeve but my client had c*vid, I guess that is still a thing? That Wednesday my dad had major eye surgery (which ended up going really well, so yay!). Then Thursday I had a tribunal with my ex-landlords…which has been going on since April 2022… there is still no resolution to report. My RuPaul colouring book on Amazon got taken down for copyright infringement, even though it had been up for over a year. Oh and not only was I sick but I was also on my period and it was bad. I communicated poorly on several occasions and dropped my phone more than once. Mercury was in retrograde and I was feeling it.

Around the end of November I finally started to feel better again. I was back at the gym giving it my all because the following week I was going to Date with Destiny, the final live Tony Robbins event of his mastery bundle. This was the event I was looking forward to the most. This was the reason I bought the mastery bundle to begin with. This was going to be life changing…and it was. I learned so much about myself and others. People have six fundamental needs: certainty, variety, significance, connection/love, growth and contribution. We all have these needs but we have certain needs that are more valuable then others. Now values are also very important to people however we will negate our values in order to fullfill a need. A great example of this is: say your primary need is love/connection but your top value is honesty and your partner asks you a question that you don’t want to be honest about you may likely lie in order to keep their love/connection. Not saying that happens all the time, this is just an example.

When I realized that my value for freedom has been interfering with my need for love/connection I realized I had to let that shit go. Tony’s top value used to be freedom as well, he went so far as to put a photo of himself on the big screen to show you how much he valued it. The photo was of him wearing a cut off t-shirt with the American flag on it and he was sitting in a chair between two other American flags. And a part of me wants to say he was wearing a red bandana but I could be thinking of Rocky. Either way, the man loves freedom and so do I but if Tony takes freedom off his values list and is still able to live the way he does, then maybe I should do the same. So that’s what I did. I don’t need to put freedom as a value when I truly live free. I don’t need to measure my freedom because I just am. That was an eye opener for me.

Another eye opener when it came to values was the rules we have for these values. Say your value is love and your rules for getting that love are that you have kids and a partner but in reality you’re actually single with no kids…well then you most likely don’t feel any love in your life, do you? Again another drastic example but you get the picture. My value of freedom was getting in the way of me making a choice on where to live and what to do next…it was actually making my life too wishy washy. When we have too many choices it can be difficult to choose. I completely took freedom off my values list and I made a new list that I am so proud of. When I live by this list then I am living a life of true freedom and prosperity because I am happy and fulfilled. My values list is: vitality, joy/wonder, love/warmth, creativity, intelligence, making a difference, peace and gratitude. How cute, right?! I live these values everyday and I made the rules to go with these values easy enough to live by. Game changer.

The last day of Date with Destiny we go to make vision boards! I was like, umm I wasn’t told that there was going to be arts and crafts!! Hello! I was stoked. They gave us bristol boards and markers and we got to design a vision for the year ahead. It included our mission statement, our towards values (which I stated), our away from values (which are the values we don’t want to feel), a question we ask ourselves daily, a sentence or two the sums up a relationship that you have or want, our power statements, and four goals for the year. I will share my vision board at the end of 2025 and tell you how I crushed them all! I loved Date with Destiny so much, and I would absolutely do it again. I got so much value out of the interventions that Tony did with selected members of the crowd. I loved all the speakers he had join. I LOVE Sage Robbins, she is an earth angel and I can’t wait to get a big hug from her one day. There was dancing and laughing and singing and meditating and A LOT of crying. I was moved to another version of myself. I love this version of me and all the previous versions. They have all been fabulous in their own ways.

2024 was the year of Tony Robbins. It was the year I went all in on personal development. It was well rounded; I covered my finances, my business, my mental health, and my relationships. I realized that I was still keeping myself small. I have way more potential than I previously thought. I thought I was doing pretty good but there is so much more goodness to unearth, and I love that about this work and my journey. 2025 is the year of implementation. The year I take my vision board and turn it into a reality. I haven’t allowed myself to be the fully realized version that I have been dreaming about. 2025 is the year I embody my dream girl’s going to be incredibly magnetic.


Summer 2024